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Each connection has a connection-id, uniquely identifying the connection on that specific chain. Note that this identifier is not globally unique, such that two chains can both have a connection with ID 10. This does not mean that, since the IDs are the same, the connections are connected to each other.


A connection goes through different states referred to as status: INIT, TRY, ACK, and CONFIRM. Unless you are opening connections yourself, you only need to concern yourself with the CONFIRM state, which means the connection can now be used to open channels.


Each connection is verified by a client, which describes the consensus protocol of the counterparty chain. Client IDs have 2 potential formats:

  • {algorithm}-{instantiation}: 07-tendermint-4038 or 08-wasm-66, where 07-tendermint and 08-wasm are the algorithms.
  • {instantiation}: 12, 666, 420. This format is found in newer stacks as it is significantly more gas-efficient.

Most consumers of the IBC stack should not care about clients or client ids. They all provide the same (highest possible) security level, and are abstracted away by our stack.

Connections Table

This table provides live information on current connections.